ems metals

Battery recycling

When the Environmental Protection Act for Electrical, Electronic Equipment and Batteries was put into action in 2012, all importers and manufacturers became legally required to recycle their batteries.
Prior to the enactment of the law, EMS was already authorized to handle battery recycling for cellular companies—so once the law came into force, we were chosen by Ecommunity and M.A.I.-Electronics Recycling Corp. as their exclusive battery-recycling authority. We currently lead the field in Israel, providing services to the largest economic companies.

Our experts bring two huge essential benefits to the world of battery recycling:

A worker sorting batteries

By now, we’ve handled hundreds of tons of recyclable batteries. Through our strict adherence to every step of the process, constant compliance with local and international standards, advanced technological equipment and our transport capabilities, we’ve made our services doubly valuable: both protecting clients from violating aspects of the law, and fully protecting our ecological environment.